Average Cost To Replace A Roof By Materials (2022 Estimates)

by | Oct 6, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Trying to find the average cost to replace a roof?

Getting your roof replaced is no small task, and the cost to replace a roof is one of the biggest investments you’ll make in your home. But among all of the different options and costs, there’s a perfect roof for you. We’ll help you find the perfect roof material for your home and your budget.

These are the materials we’ll be covering:

Each of these materials offers its own benefits and disadvantages, but all of them can make for great roofs depending on where you live, the size of your home, and how long you want it to last.


Not all roofs are created equally, and some roofs can really be a challenge to strip old material off and put new material on. For example, those roofs that feature steep inclines and lots of different changes in the pitch are often much more expensive to replace because of all the added work. Other factors that can affect the relative cost of your roof replacement include:

  • Roof size
  • Material
  • Home’s age
  • Landscaping around the home
  • Location
  • Height of the roof
  • Size of the roof
  • Changes in pitch
  • Steep pitches

Each of these factors will dramatically affect the cost of replacing your roof. For example, a simple one-level home with a roof that doesn’t change pitch from the front to the rear will be one of the cheapest to replace, especially if the home is easy to access. And as you’d guess, a more architectural roof is going to be significantly more expensive, but it does look great from the curb.

asphalt shingle replacement; cost to replace a roof


Asphalt shingles are often talked about as the sole roofing material that’s available to homeowners. While that’s not true at all, it’s often the case because asphalt shingles are by far the most popular roofing material. They come in many different styles and colors and are readily available at roofing material suppliers. In addition, asphalt shingles are one of the most affordable roofing materials on the market. Hence the popularity of this material.

Average Cost: $7,000 – $20,000

Average Lifespan: 15 – 30 years but sometimes longer. The lifespan mostly depends on the quality of the material that you install. But regular maintenance and repairs can also extend its life.

cost to replace a metal roof; cost to replace a roof


An up-and-coming roofing material that’s quickly growing in popularity is metal roofing. It’s one of the best roofing materials for homes because it can better withstand harsh weather, lasts significantly longer than other roofing materials, and looks great.

Metal is slightly more expensive than asphalt roofs, but it’s by no means the most expensive roofing material on the market.

Average Cost: $15,000 – $50,000

Average Lifespan: 50 – 100 years

clay roof replacement; cost to replace a roof


Clay roofing has been a traditional material for hundreds of years. Even before clay was used on modern roofs, it was common throughout more primitive times. The large costs associated with clay tiles are mostly because of the weight and expertise required to install these tiles. Clay tiles are most common in southern climates where the roof won’t be exposed to the added weight of snow and ice.

Average Cost: $25,000 – $65,000

Average Lifespan: 75 – 100 years or more depending on weather conditions.

slate tile roof replacement costs; cost to replace a roof


Another long-standing roofing product, slate, has been used for hundreds of years. Each of these tiles is either made from a composite makeup of recycled slate or cut with precision from rocks. Like clay roofing, slate can be very heavy but also very fragile. A slate tile roofing company will need to install this material. Slate can be used in almost any climate and can offer a very ornate look due to its beautiful and complex rock formations.

It should be no surprise to find that slate roofs cost significantly more than most roofing materials. But, when you consider the average lifespan of 100+ years, many find the cost to be worth not having to worry about their roof ever again.

Average Cost: $20,000 – $60,000

Average Lifespan: 50 – 100+ years

cedar shake roof replacement cost; cost to replace a roof


Last but definitely not least, cedar shake roofs have earned their place as a great roofing material. Having been used for centuries, settlers in the United States would cut cedar shakes by hand to nail to the roof of their homes. Today these shakes are made in factories and are often treated to prevent moss or mildew. The biggest downside to choosing cedar shakes is that you’ll need to regularly maintain your roof. The beautiful look of shakes can require quite a lot of maintenance, which can add to the total cost of having a cedar shake roof.

Average Cost: $15,000 – $40,000

Average Lifespan: 20 – 40 years, depending primarily on the climate your home is in and how well you can maintain the roof.

green roof replacement costs


A roofing material that is gaining some popularity is the green roof. A green roof refers to a roof with a layer of vegetation on top. These roofs are often made from special lightweight soils and drainage systems so the weight doesn’t compromise the structure of your home or damage your foundation.

Green roofs, though they do come with a slightly higher roof replacement cost, offer many benefits. Most importantly, green roofing helps to insulate your home and reduce the temperature of your roof while also reducing stormwater runoff. Best yet, you’ll be able to help out the planet by dramatically reducing your carbon footprint.

Average Cost: $25,000 – $60,000

Average Lifespan:  These roof systems have varying lifespans depending on region and weather but average roughly 40 years when regular maintenance is performed.

copper roof


For homeowners interested in roofing material with a historical flair, copper roofing might be a perfect choice. Copper roofing has been used for centuries and is often known as an upscale roof because it’s very expensive, but it looks beautiful on homes of all shapes and sizes.

While copper roofing is very expensive to purchase and install, it can last for more than a century and the older it gets the more oxidized and permanent it looks.

Average Cost: $50,000 – $75,000

Average Lifespan: The average lifespan of these roofs is nearly as long as a house might be standing. Most of these roofs will last for more than 100 years with minimal repairs.

contrasting roof


If you’re interested in roofing material that has a bit more of a modern feel, then rubber roofing might be the roofing system for you. Rubber roofing is made from recycled materials and comes with several different colors and textures to choose from.

The one downside to choosing rubber roofing can be found in its lifespan (or lack thereof). Most roofing companies estimate that rubber roofing will last around ten years, which can make regular roof replacement a pricey endeavor and very frustrating.

Average Cost: $10,000 – $20,000

Average Lifespan: Depending on the type of rubber roofing you purchase, you can expect these roofs to last between 10 and 20 years. Most rubber roofs will need to be replaced after just 10 years.


At MARS Restoration, we find that most homeowners are installing asphalt or composite shingles because they last for many years and are almost entirely maintenance-free.  However, roofing materials are constantly changing and evolving. There is no one roof that works for everyone everywhere. It’s best to choose the roofing material that will work best for you, your home, and that your roofing company recommends.

If you’re looking for a new roof, we’d love to help you get your roof replaced quickly and for a great price. At Mars, we’re always looking to help our customers get the best bang for their buck. Reach out to us today to learn more about our process and get a free estimate and inspection.